I was going to write about gratitude (ie Thanksgiving vibes), but it feels more relevant for us to focus on the massive opportunity in front of us.
Before the holiday craziness takes over, you might want to take a quick second to reflect on all of the changes and growth we have experienced this year (2021 was a universal “5” year in numerology: change, freedom, transitions.)
If anything feels unintegrated or unresolved inside you, it’s of paramount importance that you give attention to it.
As we move to 2022, a universal “6” year in numerology, we will be called to embrace the energy of balance, stability, and harmony. What is already in place will only deepen.
This is important.
In 2022, the good stuff will get even better….but unresolved baggage will also grow stronger. Positive self-beliefs and structures will flourish, but negative entanglements will become more negative. If the slate is not cleaned, dysfunction and negativity will intensify…becoming hugely uncomfortable and painful.
It may seem counter-intuitive that a “6” year of balance would produce chaos….but my guides say that 2022 is about our collective FREE-WILL DECISION to choose balance. If we are out of balance, they will push us even further to the other side of the scales so that we have a chance to come back to the middle.
As a collective, we are moving from the fear and domination-based power structures of the Age of Aries + Pisces….to the love and equality of the Age of Aquarius. How every single one of us chooses to embrace balance has never been more important.
It’s time to be very sensitive to yourself. If you take steps to resolve any fear regarding in your abundance, financial wealth, relationship health, or fear of moving into your truth…..before we hit 2022….you’ll reap amazing rewards.
In fact, they will seem to fall into your lap with no apparent effort from you.
Heed to the wisdom of your internal compass and be open to an honest assessment of where you truly are.
The time to sow the seeds for abundance in 2022 is now.
Dig deep and dream big, my friend.
And then take a deep breath and dream just a little bigger….