Soul Path Guidance

Soul Path Guidance teaches you to how to follow the way of your own soul. You will learn how to strengthen the connection between you and your inner soul-compass, through one-on-one intuitive sessions.

Every seeker benefits from deep insights, clarity, and a teacher-guide who can show the way towards personal fulfillment. I believe every soul writes its own special pathway and I teach you how to align with this path in your daily life. People in all stages of growth are continually amazed by all that opens up for them once they practice this alignment. 

My priority is to help you experience the spiritual health, abundance, and relationships that make your heart and soul sing. I blend intuitive, clairaudient guidance with thoughtful attention to your astrological chart and numerology, showing you how to use your natural gifts to overcome any self-sabotage or self-limitation. Messages are delivered with a grounded perspective, allowing you the space for growth.

Soul Guidance Package: $300 for three hours, via Zoom or phone. Multiple packages can be purchased.

Is this a good fit for you? Here’s a free consultation

Advanced payment required before scheduling first appointment. Due to limited spaces, refunds for cancelled appointments are not available at this time.